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How is this platform organised?

This platform is broken down into the following chapters and pages:
The Project
This chapter introduces you to the project "Internet-Site for European Strong-Motion Data".
European Strong-Motion Networks
The purpose of this chapter is to present the state of strong-motion networks in Europe and adjacent area. A list of existing strong-motion networks and their contact persons as well as free-field stations following user-defined selection criteria are available.
Strong-Motion Network
European Strong-Motion Database
This chapter allows the user to specify selection criteria and download the European strong-motion records that are returned by the query.
This chapter presents the CD-ROM "Dissemination of European Strong-Motion Data", which contains 1,068 uncorrected and uniformly corrected strong-motion records and elastic response spectra from Europe and adjacent regions. You may explore the content of this CD-ROM using indexes, in which the strong-motion records are grouped by earthquake or recording station.
European Strong-Motion Records
Data Selection and Processing
Datafile Format
Databank and Database
Strong-Motion Records
Records grouped by earthquake
Records grouped by recording station
This chapter gives background information on strong-motion records, correction procedures and response spectra.
Source Code
This chapter allows the user to download Fortran and Matlab subroutines for reading in and outputting uncorrected and corrected time-histories and elastic response spectra in the file format used by ISESD.
This chapter lists all references cited on this platform.
New Data
This chapter details the additions and updates that have been made to the data contained on ISESD.
Find the address of the nearest organisation, which will send copies of the CD-ROM upon your request.

We invite you to send your comments and suggestions as well as releasing new strong-motion records and parameters to one of the partners of the the project "Internet-Site for European Strong-Motion Data".

Clicking on this button will connect to Seismolinks. This page contains thousands of links to other sources of earthquake data.
All organisations, agencies or individuals, who have released strong-motion records to these projects or are supporting us in the compilation of this unique dataset are stated in this chapter and their contribution is acknowledged.

Please note that the owners of the strong-motion records and the source of data are indicated either in the databank and database and in all datafiles archived on the CD-ROM and on the Internet-sites.

Site Map
Use this page to find information archived on this platform more efficiently.

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