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Station: Erzincan-Eksisu

Code: SERE Country: Turkey

Network: temporay network in the epicentral area of Erzincan earthquake

Coordinates: 39.733° N 39.783° E WGS84 Altitude: 1150m above sealevel

Building Type: free-field

Instrument Location: ground level, southeastern corner of mineral water factory

Geology: soft soil Vs,30: -

Operator: Swiss Agency of Development and Cooperation, Division of Humanitarian Aid and Swiss

Disaster Relief, Bern, Switzerland

Station Reference: Wepf D., Smit P. (1993): Das Erdbeben in der Turkei vom 13. Marz 1992. Schweizer

Ingenieur & Architekt, no. 4, pp. 43-49, Zurich

Last Revision: 15.06.2000

Acceleration Time Histories:

total: 1 Dist. [km] PGA [m/s*s]

Earthquake Name Date Time M D Fault. Horizontal Vertical

Pulumur 15.03.1992 16:16:16 5.48 Ms 26 - 1.125 0.407

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