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Station: Hercegnovi Novi-O.S.D. Pavicic School

Code: HRZ Country: Yugoslavia

Network: Strong-motion network of EnergoProject

Coordinates: 42.457° N 18.531° E WGS84 Altitude: -

Building Type: free-field

Instrument Location: ground level

Geology: rock Vs,30: 834m/s

Operator: EnergoProject, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Station Reference: Jordanovski L., Lee V., Manic M., Olumceva T., Sinadinovski C., Todorovska M., Trifunac M.

(1987): Strong earthquake ground motion data in EQINFOS: Yugoslavia, part 1. Dept. Civil

Eng., University Southern California, Report No. 87-05

Last Revision: 15.06.2000

Acceleration Time Histories:

total: 4 Dist. [km] PGA [m/s*s]

Earthquake Name Date Time M D Fault. Horizontal Vertical

Montenegro 15.04.1979 06:19:41 7.03 Ms 65 29 2.510 2.046

aftershock of Montenegro 15.04.1979 14:43:06 5.77 Ms 22 22 0.909 0.445

aftershock of Montenegro 16.04.1979 10:04:40 4.86 Ms 82 - 0.552 0.317

aftershock of Montenegro 24.05.1979 17:23:18 6.31 Ms 32 18 0.754 0.433

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