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Station: Foligno Santa Maria Infraportas-Base

Code: Country: Italy

Network: ENEA temporay network in the epicentral area of the Umbria-Marche, 1997 earthquake

Coordinates: 42.955° N 12.704° E WGS84 Altitude: -

Building Type: structure-related free-field

Instrument Location: ground level

Geology: alluvium Vs,30: -

Operator: Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA), Centro Ricerche Casaccia,

Rome, Italy

Station Reference: Rinaldis D., G. Bongiovanni, V. Verrubbi (1998): Le Registrazioni Accelerometriche delle Reti

ENEA in Umbria ottenute durante la crisi sismica del settembre-ottobre 1997 nell'Appennino

Umbro-Marchigiano. RT-AMB/ENEA, Rome, Italy

Last Revision: 15.06.2000

Acceleration Time Histories:

total: 2 Dist. [km] PGA [m/s*s]

Earthquake Name Date Time M D Fault. Horizontal Vertical

aftershock of Umbro-Marchigiana 12.10.1997 11:08:36 5.2 Ms 20 - 0.292 0.154

aftershock of Umbro-Marchigiana 14.10.1997 15:23:00 5.6 Ms 19 - 0.672 0.446

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