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Earthquake: Albstadt, Swabian Jura

Flinn Engdahl Region: Germany Country: Germany

Date and Time: 16.01.1978 14:31:15 UTC

Epicenter: 48.292° N 9.027° E WGS84

Focal Depth: 6km

Mb: - ML: 4.6

Ms: 3.3 Mw: 3.8

Mo: 520000000000000 Intensity: VI+MSK64

Fault Mechanism: strike slip

Earthquake Reference: Brustle W. (1998): Written communication 28.9.1998 and 17.11.1998. Landesamt fur

Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Wurttemberg, Landes-Erdbebendienst, Freiburg im

Breisgau, Germany

Last Revision: 15.06.2000

Acceleration Time Histories:

total: 1 records Dist. [km] PGA [m/s*s]

Station Name Coordinates Geology D Fault. Horizontal Vertical

Jungingen 48.333 N 9.045 E rock 5 - 0.523 0.216

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