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Earthquake: Cuneo

Flinn Engdahl Region: Northern Italy Country: Italy

Date and Time: 20.01.1994 06:59:14 UTC

Epicenter: 44.561° N 7.338° E WGS84

Focal Depth: 5km

Mb: - ML: 4.4

Ms: - Mw: -

Mo: - Intensity:

Fault Mechanism: strike slip

Earthquake Reference: Eva E., S. Solarino, C. Eva, G. Neri (1997): Stress tensor orientation derived from fault plane

solutions in the southwestern Alps. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 102(B4), pp 8171-8185

Last Revision: 24.09.2000

Acceleration Time Histories:

total: 1 records Dist. [km] PGA [m/s*s]

Station Name Coordinates Geology D Fault. Horizontal Vertical

Serennes-Ecole 44.532 N 6.776 E - 45 - 0.023 0.011

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