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Earthquake: Etolia

Flinn Engdahl Region: Greece Country: Greece

Date and Time: 22.05.1988 03:44:15 UTC

Epicenter: 38.35° N 20.54° E WGS84

Focal Depth: 15km

Mb: 5 ML: 5

Ms: 4.69 Mw: -

Mo: - Intensity: VIMSK64

Fault Mechanism: -

Earthquake Reference: Ambraseys N., P. Smit, R. Berardi, D. Rinaldis, F. Cotton, C. Berge (2000): Dissemination of

European Strong-Motion Data. CD-ROM collection, European Commission, DGXII, Science,

Research and Development, Bruxelles, Belgium

Last Revision: 15.06.2000

Acceleration Time Histories:

total: 1 records Dist. [km] PGA [m/s*s]

Station Name Coordinates Geology D Fault. Horizontal Vertical

Valsamata-Seismograph Station 38.17 N 20.6 E rock 21 11 0.788 0.341

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